Marriage list only
Click on Wedding list for Graha Santi
Items needed by Priest on the day of the Wedding
Lagna( MARRIAGE) only
Havan kund, foil and matches
3 bowls
4 spoons
4 Thali
2 box of havan samagri
4 Kapoor boxes
Ghee bottle new
10 Cotton balls/ divet
Diva holder
Dry coconuts half 2 and firelogs
Ganesh Poojan
Ganpati murti and red cloth 1 1/2 meter long White Cloth 1 1/2 meter
Flowers 4 bunches
Saffron box
Bajot and Wheat Rice Appx 5 lbs each
11 soparis flowers daroi (durva)
1 dish to wash hands
Tissues to dry hands
Towel to dry god
3 Thali, Rice, Kum Kum, Abil Gulal,
Tarbhanu (copper plate)
3 thalis and 5 katori’s- var bedu
Panchamrut- milk yogurt honey ghee sugar
3 coconuts
Aarti Holder
Dhoop Stick
1 dry coconut
1 Fruit
2 Lighters
For Lagna
Garland 3 of them are Your responsibility. See below
Pokvanu saman -Kanku indi pindi 3 sampoots vaatki 4 of them
Antarpat and var mala ( Griva Sutra)
Hasta Melap Kappad
Mangla sutra
Paans- Nagar Veil not Ready made ones- 5
Sindoor- Vermillion powder
80 Quarters
If you are bringing in all items, please bring in all items that are listed on this page including
Vastradaan - 2 ( TWO ) Outfits for the priest
Kurta Pajama size is 44 Colors are Gold Pink Red or Light Pink
And 4 envelopes with $51 totaling $204
---Your responsibility ---
If the Priest is bringing puja items for an additional charge - See contract- then you are responsible for the following items.
Flowers, 3 bunches
Garlands for the Bride and Groom
Bajots- wooden chairs
Wedding Rings,
Vastra Daan
- 4 envelopes with $51 total of $201 The Priest will not accept used/ torn clothing. You may cut the lower end of the price tag.
Please note ** Below items are mostly common for Gujrati's, Sindhi's, Katcchi, Marwadi and Rajestani's family backgrounds
Kansar to feed bride and groom
Big Paper for Hand prints
Conch for Akki Beki
Cheda Gathndu
Raman Divo
Varath, Kari Gathi, Samith Na Lakda or Chandan Na lakda, Ganesh Matli, Mai Dev Matla
Khes,Gujarda, Moad, Mai Dev Matla, Gothrej Gado,
Please call 973 778 3117 for any questions!!